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Make data-driven decisions with Microsoft Power BI
Data analytics with power bi

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Start optimizing your business with cutting-edge technologies.

Get full control with Power BI.

Dashboard early warning system for ladder

Red Alert: Targeting your numbers

Uncover all your weaknesses with an early warning system for your leaders.

Share the same view of all numbers with Power BI dashboards.

Flexible & scalable BI PLATFORM

Less pressure. More serenity.

Avoid avoidable stress caused by wrong decisions.

Experience clarity, serenity and joy with beautiful reports.

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Officery provides you with all IT technologies and systems that you need for secure and plannable digitization - from the first Power BI dashboard and beyond...

pascal scriba, power bi expert

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Microsoft Power BI

Microsoft Power BI is a powerful data analysis and business intelligence platform. It enables companies to analyze their data more precisely, understand it better and make data-driven decisions.

With Power BI you can create data visualizations, dashboards and reports and optimize your business processes. Common use cases are:

  • Marketing KPI analysis
  • Sales Analysis
  • time management analysis
  • Employee development and career advancement
  • telephony dashboards
  • SLA monitoring
  • Monitoring the work progress of a task force
  • Clustering of business transactions
  • resource planning

Power BI also uses advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies to automatically analyze data and generate insights. A recent study by Forrester Research found that using Power BI enables companies to speed up their data analysis by up to 60% and increase the efficiency of their data analysts by up to 40%.

With Power BI, you can integrate and seamlessly export data sources from over 120 different sources, including Excel, SharePoint, Dynamics 365, Salesforce, and many others.

The platform is cloud-based and offers comprehensive data management and business analysis functions. Key features include:

  • Creation of interactive dashboards and reports
  • Data visualization with a variety of chart types and custom visualizations
  • Data modeling and transformation with DAX formulas and Power Query
  • Integrate data from over 120 different data sources
  • Big data processing and analysis
  • Automated report generation and distribution
  • Real-time monitoring of business processes and metrics
  • Custom security settings and access control
  • Mobile apps for accessing reports and dashboards from anywhere